6.1.1 Definitions of Constants

The definition of these constants is the same for both the Prometheus and Hercules (as long as the constant is supported by the board.)




1 = Watchdog counter 1 will generate SCI on time-out

0 = no SCI occurs.


1 = Watchdog counter 1 will generate NMI on time-out

0 = no NMI occurs.


1 = Watchdog counter 1 will generate SMI on time-out

0 = no SMI occurs.


1 = Watchdog counter 1 will generate a hardware reset immediately on time-out. In this case WD2 serves no purpose, since its function is to delay the assertion of hardware reset from the timeout of WD1. However a valid load value for WD2 must still be supplied to the function.

0 = no hardware reset occurs now (hardware reset will still be generated upon timeout of WD2).


1 = WDI will retrigger the watchdog timer on a falling edge.

0 = WDI will retrigger on a rising edge.


1 = output on WDO will be generated one clock cycle before counter 1 times out. In this case, WDO can be used to retrigger WDI by wiring the two signals together. This causes a bypass condition that prevents the watchdog timer from ever timing out.

0 = output on WDO will be generated when watchdog counter 1 times out (normal operation).


1 = hardware trigger input WDI will retrigger watchdog timer circuit and reload counter 1. Software retrigger command may also be used. 0 = input signal WDI is disabled; only software retrigger command may be used.

This information can also be found on page 104 of the ZFx86 Training Manual included in the \Prometheus\Docs folder on the Diamond Systems CD.

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