
This product is supported for DSCUD 8.4 and above.


SATURN combines a feature-rich Atom-class processor-based SBC with a professional-quality industrial analog and digital data acquisition subsystem and flexible I/O expansion in a single board designed for rugged applications.

  • Intel "Apollo Lake" x5-E3940 1.6GHz (burstable 1.8GHz) quad-core processor with 15-year lifecycle

  • 4GB non-ECC or 8GB ECC RAM soldered down

  • Integrated professional-quality analog and digital data acquisition subsystem with software support

  • Bottom side heat spreader with integrated thermal pad provides efficient cooling and convenient mounting

  • Full -40 to +85ºC industrial operating temperature range

  • Thicker PCB and latching connectors increase resistance to shock and vibration

  • PCIe/104 OneBank expansion socket for industry-standard rugged I/O expansion

  • Minicard expansion socket for versatile low-cost I/O

Board Initialization

To use the Saturn board in an application using the UD, the dscInitBoard function should use the board macro DSC_SATURN. This is shown in the example below...

The base address should be 0x280 or 0x240 (based on Jumper) and the default IRQ to use is IRQ 5.

dscInitBoard(DSC_ARIES, &dsccb, &board );

Analog Input

Max Input Channels:

16 (single-ended) or 8 (differential)

A/D Resolution:

16 bits (1/65536 of full-scale)

Data range:

-32768 to +32767 for all voltage ranges

Input Ranges (Bipolar):

±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, or ±1.25V

Input Ranges (Unipolar):

0-10V, 0-5V, or 0-2.5V

Supported Conversion Triggers:

Software, External digital signal

Maximum Conversion Rate (Software Command):

approx. 250,000 samples per second, depending on code and operating system

Maximum Conversion Rate (Interrupt Routine w/FIFO):

100,000 samples per second


2048 samples with Programmable interrupt threshold

Analog Output

Max Output Channels:


D/A Resolution:

15 bits (1/65536 of full scale)

Data range:

0 to 65535 for all voltage ranges

Bipolar Output Ranges:

±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V

Unipolar Output Ranges:

0-10V, 0-5V

Digital I/O

Max Ports:

3, bi-directional, programmable in 8-bit groups.Digital I/O ports on Prometheus require direction to be set with DscDIOSetConfig() before use.

All DIO lines power-up in input mode and have readback capability.

All DIO lines have r external configurable pull resistors that can be configured for all pull-up or all pull-down with a jumper.

Saturn Universal Driver Functions

Last updated