Appendix J: Install additional utilities in Ubuntu OS
To install additional utilities like minicom, eclipse, g++ etc, type the following commands in terminal
$apt-get install minicom // Com port Utility
$apt-get install g++ // C++ compiler
$apt-get install gdb // C program debugger
$apt-get install ddd // Graphical front-end for command-line debuggers
$apt-get install eclipse // Eclipse IDE
$apt-get install wine // Allows Linux users to run Windows programs
$apt-get install gparted // Gnome-based partition manager
$apt-get install eclipse-cdt // C/C++ plug-in tools for Eclipse
$apt-get install myunity // Allows modification of GNOME Desktop Classic and
// Unity interfaces options in GUI
$ apt-get autoremove appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt // Removes
// annoying top-of-the-screen menus for all windows
Last updated