
BYTE dscDASetSettings(DSCB board, DSCDASETTINGS* dasettings);

Sets the D/A configuration for future D/A conversions. A delay of approximately 10 microseconds occurs during this function call in order to allow the analog circuit on the board to settle on the new settings. On -AT (auto-calibrating) boards, if dasettings->load_cal is TRUE, then load the D/A calibration settings from the EEPROM for the current D/A configuration. This results in slightly more accurate D/A conversions but causes an additional, longer delay of approximately 10 milliseconds.

This function is ONLY supported by the Hercules II EBX, Helios and DS-MPE-DAQ0804.




The handle of the board to operate on

The D/A conversion settings to be used in subsequent D/A conversions; these settings will be used for all D/A conversions.

Return Value

Error code or 0.

Last updated