14.4.4 Page 2 Expanded FIFO and AD/DA Control
Page 2 Base + 12 Read/Write Expanded FIFO Control
Page 2 Base + 13 Read/Write AD Mode Configuration
This register functions as an AD configuration jumper override for the DAQ subsection. This register resets to zero on power-up or reset.
Page 2 Base + 14 Write DA Mode Configuration
This register defines the D/A output range. The control data sent to the D/A chip contains a 4 bit range / command instruction S3-0, whose value is defined based on the bits in this register according to the table below. When this register is written, the range command will be sent to the D/A according to the logic described here.
Page 2 Base + 14 Read DA Mode Configuration
Page 2 Base + 15 Write DAC MSB – 16-Bit Enhanced Mode
When DAMODE=1 (base+11 bit 6), the value written to this register forms the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit D/A value that is written to the D/A. When DAMODE=0, this register is ignored. This behavior is consistent regardless of the DASIZE value. DAMODE=1 should only be used when the 16-bit DAC is installed. The standard models of Helios use the 12-bit DAC.
DA15–8 D/A data bits 15 - 8; DA15 is the MSB.
Page 2 Base + 15 Read D/A Simultaneous Update
If DA simultaneous update is enabled (DASIM=1), reading this register will update the DAC outputs in both 12 and 16-bit mode. The value read back is 0.
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