Appendix H: To create and change of Root user password, Ubuntu new user creation

Step 1: Steps to create Root user password:

Figure 32: Steps to create Root user password

· Open terminal

$sudo passwd root

$enter dscguest password

· It will ask for you a new password and reenter the same password when it asks for reconfirmation.

$enter new password for root

$re-enter password for root.

It will show updated password successfully

Step 2: Steps to change Root user password:

Figure 33: Steps to Change Root user password

· Switch to root user

$su root

$enter the existing root user password

· To change the root password, type as


· It will ask for you a new password and reenter the same password when it asks for reconfirmation.

· It will show updated password successfully.

Step 3: Steps to add new user:

Figure 34: Steps to add new user

· Become root user

$su root

· Once you become root user , enter " adduser username" command in

$adduser diamond

· It will ask for you a password and reenter the same password when it asks for reconfirmation.

· It will ask “Enter new value or Press enter for default”, press enter.

· It will ask “Is the information correct”, enter ‘y’.

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