Interrupt Source

Base+0Ch (Read/Write)


Select the IRQA interrupt source

00h = Counter/timer 1 output 01h = Counter/timer 2 output 02h = Counter/timer 3 output 03h = Counter/timer 4 output 04h = Counter/timer 5 output 05h = Counter/timer 6 output 06h = Counter/timer 7 output 07h = Counter/timer 8 output 08h = Counter/timer 9 output 09h = Counter/timer 10 output 0Ah = dedicated interrupt input pin ◄ (Reset value) 0Bh = DIO input 0 0Ch = 8255-1 C0 0Dh = 8255-1 C3 0Eh = 8255-2 C0 0Fh = 8255-2 C3


Select the IRQB interrupt source, using the same values as for IRQA, above. The reset value for IRQB is 0Ch.

Last updated