6.2 Configuring Linux to match the provided runtime image

  • Install additional utilities on Ubuntu image

The user may require utilities like Eclipse IDE, partition manager, minicom etc. The freshly installed Ubuntu-OS will not have those utilities by default. To install required additional utilities refer Appendix J.

  • Configure HTTP, FTP and SSH server

Refer Appendix B, C and D respectively

  • Create new user and password if required

Refer Appendix H

  • Enable automatic login option if required

Refer Appendix k

  • The Ubuntu-20.04.1 LTS kernel version 5.4.x has required drivers to support all the peripherals present in the Venus KBL board and now the Linux image is ready for the Venus KBL board.

  • The next step is obviously to take a copy of the Venus KBL Linux image refer Appendix G

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