6.2 Configuring Linux to match the provided runtime image

1.Install additional utilities on Ubuntu image

  • The user may require utilities like Eclipse IDE, partition manager, minicom etc. The freshly installed Ubuntu-OS will not have those utilities by default. To install required additional utilities refer Appendix J.

2. Configure HTTP, FTP and SSH server

  • Refer Appendix B, C and D respectively

3. Create new user and password if required

  • Refer Appendix H

4. Enable automatic login option if required

  • Refer Appendix k

5. The Ubuntu-20.04.1 LTS kernel version 5.4.x has required drivers to support all the peripherals present in the Gemini board and now the Linux image is ready for the Gemini board.

6. The next step is obviously to take a copy of the Gemini Linux image refer Appendix G

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