Appendix C: Configuration of HTTP server

The chapter will show the steps to be followed to install Http server installation in Ubuntu 20.04.1 live operating system.

Step 1: Installing the HTTP Web Server on Ubuntu.

Open the terminal.

Switch to root user.

$ su root

$ enter the root login password

Type the command.

$ apt-get install apache2

Step 2: Create and serve our own webpages to user
Copy the desired html files to the following directory.     
                 $ cp example.html /var/www/html/
For Example if user wants to view Diamond system webpage. Copy the Diamond system html page to the above mentioned directory.
                 $ cp Diamond.html /var/www/html/
Step 3: Testing the HTTP Server
To confirm HTTP server works properly, type the followings in web browser address space. 
http://<IP address of Venus KBL board >    example 

A window with a message “It Works !”appears.

Figure 19: It Works

To view copied desired html files in web browser, example to view Diamond webpage, type the followings in web browser address space. 
http://<ipaddress of target board/ Diamond.html > (ex: Diamond.html)
Note: To know the IP address assigned to the Venus KBL board, type following command in terminal

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