The chapter will show the steps to be followed to install Http server installation in Ubuntu 20.04.1 live operating system.
Open the terminal.
Switch to root user.
Type the command.
Step 2: Create and serve our own webpages to user
Copy the desired html files to the following directory.
$ cp example.html /var/www/html/
For Example if user wants to view Diamond system webpage. Copy the Diamond system html page to the above mentioned directory.
$ cp Diamond.html /var/www/html/
Step 3: Testing the HTTP Server
To confirm HTTP server works properly, type the followings in web browser address space.
http://<IP address of Venus KBL board > example
A window with a message “It Works !”appears.
To view copied desired html files in web browser, example to view Diamond webpage, type the followings in web browser address space.
http://<ipaddress of target board/ Diamond.html > (ex: Diamond.html)
Note: To know the IP address assigned to the Venus KBL board, type following command in terminal