9.2 Analog IO Ranges
Several of the boards support programmable input ranges and resolution. For these boards, a table has been included detailing all possible A/D range settings. Here is a detailed description of the data in the tables:
Code | This is the code for the particular input range |
Range | This bit selects the board's A/D positive full-scale voltage range; 0 = 5V, 1 = 10V. Do not confuse this term with the board's "input range." |
ADBU | This bit selects the board's A/D bipolar/unipolar setting; 0 = bipolar, 1 = unipolar. |
G1, G0 | These bits select the board's A/D gain setting. The gain settings and their respective control bits are as follows: G1 G0 Gain 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 4 1 1 8 |
Input Range | This column lists the input range resulting from the particular configuration of control bits. |
Resolution | This column lists the voltage resolution resulting from the particular configuration of control bits. The resolution is equal to the smallest change in input voltage detectable by the A/D circuit. This smallest change results in a change in A/D code of 1 least significant bit, or LSB. The resolution is equal to the total voltage range (maximum input voltage - minimum input voltage) divided by the number of possible A/D codes (2n where n is the number of bits in the A/D converter). For an input range of ±5V and a 16-bit A/D converter, the resolution is (+5V - -5V) / 216 = 10 / 65536 = .000153V or 153μV. |
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