
BYTE dscAutoRTS (dscb, DSCAutoRTS *AutoRTS)

This function will enable or disable RTS for RS422 & RS485




The handle of the board to operate on


Unsigned int DataLength – Data length will be 5-8 and start & stop bits.

BYTE Enable – 1 enable or 0 disable the RTS.

BYTE Port – which port we are going to use (0 or 1).

BYTE Pol – polarity of the port to high or low pulse

(If RTSPOL = 0, the RTSOUT pin is normally low, and the pulse will be high. If RTSPOL = 1, the RTSOUT pin is normally high, and the pulse will be low. In Auto RTS mode, the RTS input signal for a port is ignored).

double baudrate – Baudrate which are using for COM1 & COM2 (1200 - 256000) (Supports Saturn)

Return Value

Error code or 0

Last updated