8255 Control and Status (Basic Mode Definition – MSFLAG=1)

DIO Base+03h (8255-1), DIO Base+07h (8255-2) - (Read/Write)


Port C (lower) direction. Sets the direction of the port C I/O signals 0-3. 0 = output 1 = input ◄ (Reset value)


Port B direction. Sets the direction of the port B I/O signals. 0 = output 1 = input ◄ (Reset value)


Group B mode selection. Sets the mode of operation for the group B signals. 0 = mode 0 ◄ (Reset value)

1 = mode 1

NOTE: 1. Only mode 0 is currently implemented. 2. All output registers are reset when the mode is changed.


Port C (upper) direction. Sets the direction of the port C I/O signals 4-7. 0 = output 1 = input ◄ (Reset value)


Port A direction Sets the direction of the port A I/O signals. 0 = output 1 = input ◄ (Reset value)


Group A mode selection. Sets the mode of operation for the group B signals. 00h = mode 0 ◄ (Reset value)

01h = mode 1

1xh = mode NOTE: 1. Only mode 0 is currently implemented. 2. All output registers are reset when the mode is changed.


Mode set flag. Selects the port configuration mode. 0 = Bit set/reset control register mode When MSFLAG is reset, this register is used to set/reset individual Port C bits.

1 = Basic mode definition control register mode ◄ (Reset value)

When MSFLAG is set, this register is used for direction and mode selection.

NOTE: When the control word is read, the value of MSFLAG is always 1, implying basic control word information is being read.

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