3.Migration Information

This user manual is about EPSM-10GX4 module. There is similar product EPSM-10GX. These modules are not drop in replaceable.

Board to Board connector pin out is different for these modules and care must be taken to use the right carrier board with the module.

EPS-24G4X carrier board supports EPSM-10GX4.

EPS-24G2X and EPS-12000CM boards supports EPSM-10GX.

EPSM-10GX supports 12 x1G copper ports, 3xQSGMII and 2x 10G SFI interfaces.

EPSM-10GX4 supports 12x 1G copper ports, 3x QSGMII and 4x 10G SFI interfaces.

Last updated