DAWaveform Generator Functions
D/A Waveform Generator Functions
Waveform generator sequence of operations:
Reset waveform generator prior to starting a new waveform process
Calculate waveforms(s)
Build waveform data array
Download data to waveform buffer
If counter/timer is being used, program counter/timer
Select clock source and cycle mode
Start waveform operation
If manual increment is being used, increment as required
If desired, update data while running
Pause waveform operation when needed
Update data while paused if needed
Restart waveform operation when needed
BYTE SATURNWaveformBufferLoad(BoardInfo* bi, SATURNWAVEFORM* SATURNwaveform);
This function configures a D/A waveform by downloading the waveform to the board’s waveform buffer and programming the number of frames into the board.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write 0x04 to register 11 to reset waveform generator circuit
For i = 0 to Frames – 1
For j = 0 to FrameSize – 1
n = i * (FrameSize – 1) + j (n = address of datapoint in buffer) // max value is 2047
Write Waveform[n] to registers 0-1
Write bits 0-7 of n to register 8
Build register 9 value = upper bits of address n + Channels[j] << 4 (channel number shifted into upper nybble)
Write value to register 9
Next j
Next i
Write Frames-1 to registers 12-13
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformDataLoad(BoardInfo* bi, int Address, int Channel, unsigned Value);
This function loads a single data point into the D/A waveform buffer. It can be used to update a waveform in real time while the waveform generator is running. The programmer is responsible for knowing the format of the waveform buffer, which determines the address at which to store the data.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write Value to registers 0-1
Write bits 0-7 of Address to register 8
Build register 9 value = upper 4 bits of Address + Channel << 4 (channel number shifted into upper nybble)
Write value to register 9
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformConfig(BoardInfo* bi, SATURNWAVEFORM* SATURNwaveform);
This function configures the operating parameters of the waveform generator, including the clock source, the output frequency if being controlled by a timer, and one-shot / continuous mode. The frame size is needed because it is stored in the same board register as the clock source and cycle mode.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Reg10 = Cycle << 7 + (FrameSize – 1) << 2 + Clock
Write Reg10 to register 10
If Clock = 1 or 2 then:
If Rate >= 5 then counter clock source = 50MHz else 1MHz
Calculate divisor = clock source / Rate
Set counter/timer (SATURNCounterSetRate()) for down counting, selected clock source, no external output, and divisor
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformStart(BoardInfo* bi);
This function starts or restarts the waveform generator running based on its current configuration.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write 0x01 to register 11 (Start waveform generator)
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformPause(BoardInfo* bi);
This function stops the waveform generator. It can be restarted with SATURNWaveformStart().
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write 0x02 to register 11 (Pause waveform generator)
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformReset(BoardInfo* bi);
This function resets the waveform generator and stops all waveform output. The data buffer is not affected.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write 0x04 to register 11 (Reset waveform generator)
Set page = 0
BYTE SATURNWaveformInc(BoardInfo* bi);
This function increments the waveform generator by one frame. The current frame of data is output to the selected channels.
Input parameters:
This function operates as follows:
Set page = 1
Write 0x08 to register 11 (Increment waveform generator)
Set page = 0
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