User Manuals
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Linux 64-Bit
1. Introduction
1.1 Warranty / Disclaimer
1.2 Linux License and Support Information
2. BSP Contents
2.1 Manual
2.2 SATA disk
2.3 Backup copy on DVD with image
3. Quick Start Guide
4. Linux Features
4.1 Baseline Linux Distribution
4.2 Installed Applications
4.3 Classic GUI view
4.4 Application / Feature Configuration
4.5 FTP Server Enable Instructions
4.6 HTTP Server Enable Instructions
5. Reimaging a Corrupted Flashdisk
6. Reinstalling Linux
6.1 Basic Linux installation
6.2 Configuring Linux to match the provided runtime image
7. Linux Passwords
8. Troubleshooting
8.1 Using built-in ‘fsck’ to fix disk
8.2 Using SSD on separate desktop PC to recover files or perform file-system check ‘fsck’
8.3 Connecting VGA monitor if LCD or other display support fails
Appendix A: Ubuntu 20.04.1 Installation Steps
Appendix B: Configuration of FTP Server
Appendix C: Configuration of HTTP server
Appendix D: Configuration of SSH server
Appendix E: File Transfer through minicom
Appendix F: File Reception through minicom
Appendix G: DD command for image Backup
Appendix H: To create and change of Root user password, Ubuntu new user creation
Appendix I: Disable check for updates
Appendix J: Install additional utilities in Ubuntu OS
Appendix K: Automatic login option
Appendix L: Sound recording
Appendix M: Linux Image RE-flashing
Linux BSP Manual
Last updated
3 years ago