Diamond-MM-32DX-AT uses a 16-bit A/D converter. This means that the analog input voltage can be measured to the precision of a 16-bit binary number. The maximum value of a 16-bit binary number is 2 ^16 -1 or 65535, so the full range of numerical values that you can get from a Diamond-MM-32DX-AT analog input channel is 0 - 65535.

The smallest change in input voltage that can be detected is 1/(2^16), or 1/65536, of the full-scale input range. This smallest change results in an increase or decrease of 1 in the A/D code, and so this change is referred to as 1 LSB, or 1 least significant bit.

8.1 Unipolar and Bipolar Inputs

8.2 Input Ranges and Resolution

8.3 A/D Conversion Formulas

8.4 Correlation between A/D Code and Input Voltage

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