This function sets the digital I/O port directions, pull and drive configurations for all ports at once.

BYTE DSCSAM_DIOConfigAll(BYTE *Pull, BYTE *Drive, BYTE *Dir);




Address of BYTE array of 2 pull configuration values for ports A, B for Elton, Stevie & Jethro

Address of BYTE array of 3 pull configuration values for ports A, B and C for Ziggy


Address of BYTE array of 2 drive configuration values for ports A, B for Elton, Stevie & Jethro

Address of BYTE array of 3 drive configuration values for ports A, B and C for Ziggy


Address of BYTE array of 2 direction configuration values for ports A, B for Elton, Stevie & Jethro

Address of BYTE array of 3 direction configuration values for ports A, B and C for Ziggy

Return Value

Error code or 0.

Last updated