Listing All show Commands

The following example raises the session privilege level to 15. In this example, an enable secret has been specified, so password entry is required to proceed. Then the user inputs show and uses the context-sensitive help feature to list the possible show commands, in this case for a Carrier Ethernet system.

my-device> enable
Password: ***
my-device# show ?
    aaa                 Login methods
    access              Access management
    access-list         Access list
    aggregation         Aggregation port configuration
    clock               Configure time-of-day clock
    dot1x               IEEE Standard for port-based Network Access Control
    eps                 Ethernet Protection Switching
    erps                Ethernet Ring Protection Switching
    evc                 Ethernet Virtual Connections
    green-ethernet      Green ethernet (Power reduction)
    history             Display the session command history
    interface           Interface status and configuration
    ip                  Internet Protocol
    ipmc                IPv4/IPv6 multicast configuration
    ipv6                IPv6 configuration commands
    lacp                LACP configuration/status
    line                TTY line information
    link-oam            Link OAM configuration
    lldp                Display LLDP neighbors information.
    logging             Syslog
    loop-protect        Loop protection configuration
    mac                 Mac Address Table information
    mep                 Maintenance Entity Point
    mvr                 Multicast VLAN Registration configuration
    network-clock       Show selector state.
    ntp                 Configure NTP
    perf-mon            Performance Monitor
    platform            Platform specific information
    port-security       Port security
    privilege           Display command privilege
    ptp                 Precision time Protocol (1588)
    pvlan               PVLAN configuration
    qos                 Quality of Service
    radius-server       RADIUS configuration
    rfc2544             RFC2544 perfomance tests
    rmon                RMON statistics
    running-config      Show running system information
    sflow               Statistics flow.
    snmp                Display SNMP configurations
    spanning-tree       STP Bridge
    switchport          Display switching mode characteristics
    tacacs-server       TACACS+ configuration
    terminal            Display terminal configuration parameters
    thermal-protect     Display thermal protection status.
    upnp                Display UPnP configurations
    users               Display information about terminal lines
    version             System hardware and software status
    vlan                VLAN status
    voice               Voice appliance attributes
    web                 Web

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